Electrical Linemen are responsible for the delivery of electrical power when using insulated fiberglass tools when working on energized circuits. Though these tools come in several sizes for a variety of applications, they’re all required to be electrically tested every two years, per OSHA standards, to ensure worker safety.
Fiberglass is the industry’s go-to because it’s the lightest and most durable material around. Different manufacturers use their own color of fiberglass, and Custom Truck’s is a noticeable bright green. These tools are the barriers between linemen and thousands of volts.
Custom Truck One Source has the capability to test, repair, and refinish just about any fiberglass product as required by the ASTM F3121/F3121M-F Specification for all Hand Held Insulated Live Line Tools.
Our process for inspecting any live line tools mirrors the daily inspections that linemen use before they place a tool into use. Unless there is any obvious damage to the tool, each tool is wiped down and examined for any:
- Cuts, scratches, nicks, gouges, dents (through the finish), or delamination in the surface.
- Damaged, bent, worn, loose or cracked components.
- Elongated or deformed roll pins, rivet ends, or fasteners.
- Any deterioration or loss of the glossy surface.
- Any signs of improper storage or exposure to the weather.
If the item does not show any of the signs mentioned above, it will be cleaned and then tested to verify it conforms to ASTM’s specifications.
However, if the tool does show any of the damage described above, then the hot stick will be completely disassembled, sanded to remove the old coating, inspected, and repaired. The tool will then be recoated with an epoxy resin and then baked for a minimum of 24 hours in our hot room to ensure any invasive moisture is driven out.
Technicians then reassemble the tool to the manufacturer’s specifications and conduct both a physical test (does it meet the criteria for torque, weight handling, and effectiveness as set forth by the manufacturer) and an electrical test to verify that it can stand off the voltage required. Fiberglass is tested by the foot, in both wet and dry conditions since the tools are used in both weather conditions.
When all these tests have been passed, then a test sticker is affixed to the tool showing the date tested. Custom Truck One Source also generates a test report that is both provided to the customer and kept in our rubber testing online database, where customers can look up any testing data that we have performed.
Custom Truck operates five locations with testing services for your live line tools; protective rubber products; grounds and jumper cables, or any hydraulic; pneumatic; electrical; or manual tool repair. We have the capability and the experience to complete your testing correctly, leaving you with the reassurance that your people are safe and well cared for.
Reach out to us at one of the below locations for more information:
Alvarado, TX
Contact: Tim Thies, Facilities Manager
Poulsbo, WA
Contact: Josh Navarre, Facilities Manager
Tallahassee, FL
Contact: Donnie Herrick, Facilities Manager
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Contact: Lucas Wiles, Facilities Manager
Yuma, AZ
Contact: Joe O’Keefe, Facilities Manager